Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Leaf Week

So we did leaves too. We painted a tree with red, yellow, and orange paint. We just did paint sponge stamp so that it wasn't a giant brush of color but more like leaves. He did a good job. We read about leaves and sang, "see the leaves falling down." Of course it was to the tune of "London Bridge."

Next day we went outside and picked brown leaves and 3 yellow ones that were still soft. We crunched up the brown leaves and drew a tree and glued the dried leaves onto it to look like "tree glitter."

Squirrel week

Okay, so I've been slacking off on here. BUT I have been doing school with C.

So we learned about squirrels. We printed off a pix of a squirrel and glued dryer lint onto it's tail. It was kinda cute. We even sat outside and tried to watch squirrels... seriously there are typically squirrel farm/city in our yard... we were outside for 5 mins and saw NOTHING!

First day of school we acted like squirrels and he thought that was hilarious. I taught him how squirrels touch noses to greet each other. Then he went to go see Daddy and touched noses with him and said "hi." It was so funny! Hey at least he learned something. He thinks it's funny to do.. kinda like a goofy Eskimo kiss!

Next day we made a squirrel glider it was cute and he had fun throwing it around the room. We gave up on the trying to watch squirrels outside business. We have been reading squirrel books too, He really like Scaredy Squirrel by Melanie Watt. The squirrel in it jumps and so it went well with our craft. We read Scaredy Squirrel goes to the Beach too.

Can I just say I HATE the Wilmington Stroop library and YET I still go back every week to try again to get stuff.

Monday, October 20, 2008

We went to Momtopia today at the Dayton Mall and scored some fun stuff. Kinda sad that it's the last one for a while. We got one of those ducks that light up when you touch the bottom. C had so much fun because several of his friends were there. We have storytime tomorrow so we are going to try to do school before we go since C got up at 9. NOT that I'm complaining. It was nice to sleep in again for a bit.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Apple time

Today we did school about apples. Since we are going to the zoo tomorrow with one of C's friends we did school for a whole hour today! And he did great.

First we talked about what color apples are and what letter they start with. Next we read a nonfiction about apples and talked about how they are fruits and grow on trees. Note to self- really need to know what makes something a fruit or veggie. Then we cut 2 apples in half. One was cut lengthwise and the other width wise. We looked at them with our new dollar store magnifying glasses and looked at the seeds too. He liked how one had a "apple flower" inside. Then we saved one half from each apple and the other halves were used to do apple prints. Although he liked to make a print and then color it with paint, thus ruining the print. Oh well, he enjoyed it.

We sang a song about "see the apples falling down" to the tune of "London bridge" a few times. After that we sat on the floor and read about Johnny Appleseed/ John Chapman. We did the "Lord's been good to me" song/prayer from Johnny Appleseed.

He also did a fingerprint apple tree with green and red paint. He liked that too. "dot, dot, dot"

We read a counting book too and one other book about what you can make with apples.

So for lunch we did a "muffin tin." It had applesauce, apple slices, chicken nuggets, and cheese slices. We were going to have apple cider, but C wanted oj instead.

Overall I'm pretty proud of us both. He did good paying attention for so long and I was proud that we incorporated reading, math, science, art, and music all in today.

Friday, October 3, 2008

Chicken again

So we did school again. We made chickens with plates and our hands. The plate was a bit big so the chicken looked a bit silly with it's tiny eyes. C really wanted to use wiggly eyes instead of drawing them.

We read a few more book and acted like chickens. I can tell that I need to have more planned out for school so that I don't feel like we are struggling to do stuff.

We did attempt our first muffin tin.
C was pretty excited about it and actually ate everything in it!
Ok so we are going to do Fall for a few weeks. We are going to start next week with apples. Today we'll get some books again. I think that we'll try to do that on Friday or Tuesday if I'm ready on Tuesdays to get them. I think we'll try to make applesauce. And do apple prints. We can cut them in half and look at them.

We might go to the dollar store and get a magnifying glass today too. Then we can do "science" and discover stuff. Every little boy likes that right?!

I need to try to incoporate math and science into school. C loves to read, but we need to do other things too. He's been doing ok with the craft, but he isn't thrilled to do them yet and we still have to be reminded several times to pay attention.

We went to Ikea last night and bought a curtian line to hang our art work on. And a box to store some of our supplies. I was going to buy several clear storage boxes to organize, but I don't need to waste money on that so I used shoeboxs and whatever else I could find.